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Information About Uses & Benefits of Stress Management and Relaxation Skills

Uses and Applications of Stress Management and Relaxation Tapes/CD's

Information About Uses & Benefits of
Stress Management and Relaxation Skills

    Any of the stress management and relaxation skills of calming breathing techniques, or progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery and visualization for self-hypnosis can facilitate a state of deep relaxation and reduced stress or tension, providing extensive benefits.

Learning this type of deep relaxation response, can assist you in:

  • Dealing with and significantly reducing anxiety, worry, or negative thoughts
  • Preventing the cumulative negative effects of stress or chronic tension, and reducing stress reactions
  • Movement out of mild-to-moderate depression in combination with other forms of treatment
  • Prevention or reduction of frequency and severity of panic attacks
  • Decreasing fears and phobic reactions
  • Managing certain physiological problems more effectively - such as high blood pressure (hypertension), headaches, migraines, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, etc.
  • Reducing chronic pain - muscle, back, neck, headache, TMJ syndrome, etc.
  • Enhancing immune system response
  • Reducing after-effects of trauma, including post-traumatic stress symptoms
  • Increasing your energy level, stamina, and ability to be productive
  • Managing anger and reducing frequency and intensity of anger episodes
  • Decreasing fatigue or lethargy
  • Reducing insomnia and enhancing deep, restorative sleep
  • Improving concentration, memory, and ability to focus
  • Increasing self-confidence and motivation (while reducing self-criticism) and increasing positive sense of control

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