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Relaxation Skills Stress Management Sleep Problems Weight Issues Healthy Lifestyle Change Future Development

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Why & How This Works for Weight Problems

Topic Areas for Weight Reduction & Management

Weight Loss & Fitness Readiness Inventory

What is a Food Addiction

Why the Tools Were Developed for Weight Concerns

WHY and HOW this WORKS for
Weight Reduction and Weight Management

    This unique combination of guided imagery and visualization, relaxation skills, and self-hypnosis works for weight problems, where perhaps other approaches have been unsuccessful, because this process addresses the core issues - physical, mental, and emotional - that perpetuate and fuel the problems with weight and unhealthy eating patterns. Furthermore, this process addresses the core underlying issues simultaneously by:

  1. interrupting and transforming self-defeating habits and unhealthy eating patterns into conscious food choices and healthy eating plans;
  2. providing more effective coping skills for dealing with stress or emotional distress, rather than turning to food;
  3. facilitating the ability to deeply relax, which not only diminishes the power of compulsive eating, but restores the body, enhances the immune system, re-energizes, and has numerous health benefits;
  4. increasing motivation, confidence, sense of control, and ability to follow through by replacing (or “re-programming”) negative, limiting, discouraging and anxiety-provoking thoughts and ideas with positive, affirming, and encouraging thoughts, ideas, and images that uplift and inspire positive steps toward goals.

In short, all the major components affecting weight reduction and weight maintenance - the physical, activity level, nutritional, emotional, stress and coping skills, mental, self-image and esteem - all are brought together to enable you to create and to sustain real changes and steps that accomplish your weight loss or management goals.

Just as importantly, the techniques and tools of visualization and guided imagery blended with relaxation skills and self-hypnosis work for you to remedy long-standing, engrained problems or patterns that may have held you back from achieving what you want, not only with regard to weight, but also in other areas of your life. These tools aid in reconstructing the negative thoughts and ideas that feed pessimism, discouragement, and frustration, as well as reduce energy and initiative; they are replaced with genuinely encouraging and empowering positive thoughts, images and “self-talk” that build confidence, self-esteem, optimism and strength to pursue any chosen goal.

For more detail, select:

Topic Areas for Weight Reduction and Management

Why the Tools Were Developed - Therapist's Personal Note Regarding Weight Concerns

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