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Relaxation Skills Stress Management Sleep Problems Weight Issues Healthy Lifestyle Change Future Development

Audio Sample

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Tape/CD 6B
The Part of Me That Resists

The Inner Struggle-Overcoming Resistance to Healthy Change

  • If you have been frustrated or discouraged by:
    • results that are only temporary, leaving you to gain back the weight you had lost, and perhaps more...
    • or the difficulty making what you know are the "right and healthy" choices match what you actually do on a daily basis...
    • or the struggle to even get started (again) or to get back on track...

  • If you have been disappointed or baffled by self-defeating behavior, even self-sabotage...

...then, you realize that something is holding you back from achieving healthy changes or goals, and that "something" may well be a 'part of you'.

If you have found yourself putting off your decision to eat better or your resolution to exercise more, procrastinating, making excuses to yourself for poor eating habits or inactivity, then this audiotape/CD will be an invaluable help in giving you the motivation and the means to get over that hurdle, to resolve the "battle inside" between the 'part of you' that knows what you should do to be healthy and fit, versus the 'part of you' that seems to sabotage it or even do the opposite.

Through a blending of imaginative guided imagery and visualization, calming breathing and relaxation techniques, deep healing meditation and self-hypnosis, you will be gently guided in removing the unwanted obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, and in bringing together all your inner parts and resources in harmony and cooperation. The powerfully self-affirming and supportive messages of this recording will motivate and encourage you to tap into and strengthen those inner parts and hidden resources, so they work together to accomplish your desired weight goals and to benefit your health, fitness and overall well-being.

The Part of Me That Resists
Format Cost

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Audio-tape $31.95
 Purchase on Amazon.com
CD $28.95
 Purchase on Amazon.com

Running Time: (Approx.) 53 -54 Min.


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